flourish books

Hello Bloom Networking members,

The following resources have been created to help you in all areas of your business journey, from planning & reviewing, creating, budgeting, goal setting & more. New resources will be added regularly and sent direct to your inbox via email. You can also check back in here when you need to revisit anything, but this is not a public page so I suggest you bookmark it for easy reference.


Goal Setting Workbook

Print a copy of the Cover Sheet & create a list of the goals you want to achieve. There is room for 10 goals on this sheet & they can be as big or as small as you like, the most important part (to begin with) is listing them all.

Obviously you can keep adding to the list as more goals present themselves, but once you have them listed you can look at which goals are of high urgency or importance. Ask yourself if completing this goal will increase revenue, keep your existing customers happy, increase brand awareness or fill another need like feed your creativity bring some fun to your life. Then choose which goals you will achieve first.

Goal Setting Coversheet BW

Each goal requires thought, planning & of course action - this is where the Goal Setting Action Worksheet comes into it. Print a copy of this document for each goal you have listed on your Cover Sheet. This worksheet asks you to think about why it's important that you achieve the goal, what kind of resources you require, set deadlines and also gets you thinking about how it will change things for you, how will you FEEL when you've achieved it?

Goal setting action sheets BW

Enjoy kicking goals and please contact me if you have any questions or would like any help.


Who are my customers?

The key to a great marketing plan is knowing who you are marketing to and where to reach those people. This sheet helps you get inside the mind of your ideal clients and asks you to think about what you offer them and how to communicate so they know you're there.

Who are my customers BW


Coming Soon

Simple Business Plan

Marketing Plan