The Brilliant Biz Mum Awards are all judged, there is no social media voting, so all winners will be determined based on merit.
The judging panel is made up of the Award sponsor (a Biz Mum who has experience within the field and is managing the category) and two guest judges.
Winners were announced at the Brilliant Biz Mum Awards Night on Saturday, May 20, 2017 in Melbourne.
Read profiles on all the wonderful winners in Kid Magazine here.
Best Juggler - sponsored by Pauline Delany, The Harmony Life Stylist
- Fiona Amarasinghe - Easy Breezy Parties/Busy Life Planners
- Rachel McGrath - Baby Station
- Anna Malcolm - Ilovemymates
Guest judges: Amy Revell of Simply Organised, helping people find calm and peace via decluttering and organising their homes & Elise Easdown, Aussie & NZ owner of Whats On 4, mum of 3 and Blogger at Everything Elise
Best Life & Business Clarity - sponsored by Fiona Redding, The Happiness Hunter
- Olivia Anderson - Flat Out Mum
- Amanda Freeman - Inspire Natural Therapies
- Kara Vaina - Keopha
Guest judges: Dr Linda Wilson, Wellness Consultant and Author of 'Stress Made Easy' & Charma Voller, HR & Career Consultant and all round good sport (!) at Charma Voller Consulting & Calm Down Mumma
Most Influential Brand - sponsored by Annemarie Cross, AnnemarieCross.com
- Jo Violeta - Violeta Finance
- Monica Meldrum - Whole Kids
- Vanessa Lynch - Hive Creative Studios
Guest judges: Renae Howard, founder of GOSH Creative & Julie Gibbons, branding coach at tractorgirl, visual ninja and maker.
Best Service-Based Business - sponsored by Rosie Shilo, Virtually Yours
- Leanne Woff – Virtual Infinity
- Chloe Henger - E-assist
- Madeline Avery - Birdcage Marketing
Guest judges: Vanessa Thomas, Business Owner of Synkd Design and Marketing and One Dynamite Gal (!) & Peta Eriksson of Hummingbird Franchise Support, Franchising Support Guru, bringing passion and zest to any business
Best Innovative Product - sponsored by Cath Connell, Wholehearted Marketing
- Natalia Michael - No Nasties Makeup
- Gina Kun - Discretion by Gina
- Annaliese Allen - Honeybell Waterwear
Guest judges: Catherine Cervasio, leader in organic and baby skincare and Founder of Aromababy & Monica Meldrum, Founder and Director of Whole Kids, Australia's award-winning provider of organic snack foods for children.
Best Social Media Success Story - sponsored by Loren Bartley, Impactiv8
- Helle Warming - Lucas Loves Cars
- Jo Violeta - Violeta Finance
- Leonie Percy - Yoga Mamata
Guest judges: Tracy Raiteri, founder and primary consultant of Townsville Social Media Marketing & Cherie McKay, PR and social media consultant at Good Talent Media
Most Creative Marketing on a Budget - sponsored by Susie Campbell, Little Black Book Marketing
- Emma Veiga-Malta - Bespoke Backdrops
- Karen Lavexky - Paloma Pops
- Ria Amoranto - Pinta Crafts
Guest judge: David Howells of DavidHowells.com.au, Business Mentor and Numbers Guru & Neeley Molinaroli, freelance Social Media extraordinaire and mum of multiples
Best Mum in Biz Boss - Sponsored by Natasha Gallardo, Working Mothers Connect
- Elise Easdown - Whats On 4 Australia
- Nataly Tormey - Wonderwoman Children
- Susie Campbell - Little Black Book Marketing
Guest judge: Sandi Sieger, Founder and Editor of online Australian lifestyle publication, Onya Magazine and co-ordinator of Camp Awakenings & Amanda Price, People and Culture Advisor at Australian Super
Best Web Presence - sponsored by Julie Allen, Biz Yourself
- Natasha Browne – Organising Spaces
- Linda – Natural Therapist Jobs
- Korryn Haines - Encore Admin Consulting
Guest judges: Roxy Walsh, fab chick and owner of Rocko Designs and Kids in Adelaide & Kate Toon of The Recipe for SEO Success, SEO lover and Hula Hooper
Best Photo for Business - sponsored by Rachel Devine, photography author and commercial photoblogger at SesameEllis.com
- Jo Brittles - La Boheme ~ House of The Wishing Trees
- Jessica Munday - Salt and Pebble
- Emma Lamont - Archiebee
Guest judges: Mel Jeffcott of MelissaJeffcott.com, life coach and positive messaging proponent and Lisa Beavan, web designer and visual brander at LMB Web Design
Writing Excellence Award - sponsored by Sarah Garbuio, The Business Butler
- Emma Grey & Audrey Thomas - "I Don't Have Time" (book) My 15 Minutes
- Rachel Allan - "When Business Meets Baby" (book) RachelAllan.com.au
- Corina Lorenzi - "Five Strategic Steps to a Successful Business" (book) Elite Success Strategies
Guest judges: Elaine Phelan, editor of Lilydale & Yarra Valley Leader and journalist for more than 25 years & Bec Derrington, amazing biz mum and founder of SourceBottle
Best Community-Minded Mum - sponsored by Dr Nicole Highet, Founder of COPE: Centre of Perinatal Excellence
- Rochelle Courteny - Share the Dignity
- Juliette Write - GIVIT
- Lisa Petersen and Georgina Mills - Hearts in Mind
Guest judges: Denise Hall, great chick and founder of The Entrepreneurial Mother & Katrina Hart, Senior Manager - Development at the Children's Hospital Foundation
MLM Superstar Award - sponsored by Fran Pratt, KISS to Sell & Arbonne
- Kay Vrieze - Creating Card Magic
- Jo Davey – Jamberry
- Kathy West - Ruby Leader The Body Shop At Home
Guest judges:
Fiona Lindsay, Coach and Mentor who loves to support network marketers at The Networking Formula and lover of all things with bounce - people, business and tennis balls & Kara Vaina of Keopha and karavaina.com, lover of all things chocolate and mindfulness stationery addict.