Support Coordination

Level 2: Coordination of Supports

Coordination of supports strengthens a participant’s ability to design and then build their supports with an emphasis on linking the broader systems of support. Coordination of Supports is to focus on supporting participants to direct their lives, not just their services, and is focussed on assisting participants to build and maintain a resilient network of formal and informal supports. This involves working together with the participant to understand the funding, identify what participants expect from services, and how participants want this designed. Coordination of Supports also includes coaching participants, and working with participants to develop capacity and resilience in their network.
Coordination of Supports includes, but is not limited to 

  • Understand the Plan
  • Connect with Supports and Services
  • Design Support Approaches
  • Establish Supports
  • Coach, Reflect
  • Budgeting Updates
  • Targeted Support Coordination
  • Crisis Planning, Prevention, Mitigation and Action
  • Build Capacity and Resilience
  • Report to the NDIA

Increase Your Confidence And Understanding Of NDIS

At GoBloom We Are Here To Help

Supports in your own time, pace & environment

Our Support Coordinators are committed to supporting individuals, families and carers to navigate the disability service system by providing advice, information and assistance when decisions need to be made. Our aim is to increase your confidence and understanding of the NDIS and other providers so that you can  become independent with your plan.

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